BA B.Sc and B.Com 1st 2nd and 3rd year exam was conducted in offline mode from 16th March to 31st May 2023 the time duration of this exam was 3 hours by University of Rajasthan and Uniraj result is expected to release in last week of June 2023 Which is the official website of University of Rajasthan Will be released, which you can give from this page, as soon as the result is released, we will activate the link here, you should be active on this page.

Unirar Result 2023
Rajasthan University commonly known as Uniraj students are eagerly waiting for the result after giving the examination, now your waiting time is over because Rajasthan University Result is expected to be released in the last week of June. Officially no information has been received, it is expected that the University of Rajasthan can release the result in the last week of June. can see result official result
Candidates of University of Rajasthan will now check Uniraj BSC 2nd Year Result Uniraj BSC 3rd Year & Final Year Result and Rajasthan University BSC 1st Year Result 2023 from official link.
University Name | Universtiy of Rajasthan ( UOR ) |
Courses | BA, BSC, and Bcom , 1st,2nd,3rd Year (nPart 1,2,3 ) |
Uniraj Universtiy of Rajasthan ( UOR ) | 16 March to 31 May 2023 |
Category | Universtiy of Rajasthan ( UOR ) Result 2023 |
Status | To Be Released |
Universtiy of Rajasthan Result Date | June Last week 2023 |
Universtiy of Rajasthan Result Link | Update Soon |
Official Result | |
Universtiy of Rajasthan ( UOR ) uniraj BA , BSC, Bcom 2023 Result Link
To check University of Rajasthan Uni Raj BA BSc and BCom Result 2023, students visit the official website Rajasthan University will provide a special link for results from where students can enter their roll number and unnecessary details to access their result.
Thousands of students candidates of University of Rajasthan Uniraj are eagerly waiting for the result, it is expected that the result may be released in the last week of June 2023. If we talk about the official information, no official information has been received yet, this is just It is expected that in the last week of June 2023, the University of Rajasthan can release the result, which you can see directly, for your help, we will write below, be active on this.
How To Check Rajasthan University BA, BSC, BCOM 1st,2nd,3rd Year Exam Result 2023
- Open the web browser and visit official websit
- Click The Main manu And Click The Result.
- Select The Courses BA,BSC, BCOM .
- select the Yesr 1st year , 2nd yeaar, 3rd year.
- Selecting the appropriat options , ente the roll number.
- Check All details and submit .
- Display rajasthan University Exam Result 2023.
- Take a screen shot and printout.
Any candidate is unsatisfied with the result then he/she can apply for revaluation University of Rajasthan will issue application for this also.
Results are updated, we will activate the link, if you also want to see the result, then this page should be active or you can check it directly from the official website can visit.
Details Mention On Rajasthan University BA, BSC, BCOM Result 2023
- Student’s name
- Roll Number
- School Code
- Father Name
- Mother Name
- Group Code
- Subject-Wise theory marks
- Total Marks
- Result and Division .