Shrestha Yojana Result 2023 Check , Cut-Off Merit List: Candidates who have applied for Shreshtha Yojana Result 2023 now the candidates are eagerly waiting for the result its exam was held on 18th AUGUST 2023 all the candidates appeared in the exam now they are waiting for the result they have only one question When the result will come, let us tell you that the result can be released in the last week of AUGUST2023, it has not been announced officiallyIt is expected that the result can be released in the last week ofAUGUST2023, along with that candidates can check their cut off and also check the merit list, we have given complete information in this post.

Shrestha Yojana Result 2023
For the information of the candidates, let us tell you that this exam is conducted under the National Testing Agency, thousands of students participate in this exam every year, applications for this exam are submitted online, this year the online application date for this exam is May 3. Started from 2023, after that the last date of application was fixed as 24th May 2023, the date of examination was conducted on 18th AUGUST2023, for the information of the candidates, let us tell you that Shrestha Yojana Result 2023 will be released in the last week ofAUGUST 2023. It is possible.
Authority Name | National Testing Agency |
Exam Name | Scheme For Residential education for students in high school in targeted Areas |
Exam Year | 2023 |
Apply Date | 3 May 2023 |
End date | 24 may 2023 |
Exam Date | 18 June 2023 |
Shrestha Yojana Result 2023 Date | Last Week Of AUGUST 2023 |
status | To be release |
Result mode | Online |
Official Website | |
To see the candidate result, its official website You can see the result by visiting.
Shrestha Yojana Result Release Date 2023
Shreshta Yojana Exam candidates who have given the exam for the scheme, now the candidates are eagerly waiting for the result but we are very happy to inform that the Shreshta Yojana Result 2023 can be released in the last week of AUGUST 2023 by the official website shreshta.nta Will be released on Candidate can visit the official websiteThe result will be issued online only and all the students can check the result on the official website, for this you will need the registration number, you can see your result by entering your registration number.
Details Mentioned On Shrestha Yojana Result 2023
The information that will be available on your result is as follows.
- Authority Name
- student Name
- Categorise
- cast
- Date Of Birth
- Father name
- Mother Name
- Signature
- Photo
- Total Mark
Shrestha Yojana Cut-Off List 2023
The cut off of the candidates will be released before the result. Candidates are eagerly waiting for the cutoff so that they can guess whether they will be selected or not. Every year the cut off list is prepared afresh. Based on the available seats and difficulty of the exam, the cutoff list is prepared separately for all the categories. To pass this exam, it is mandatory for you to get the marks according to the cutoff, as you can visit its official website can check.
Shrestha Yojana Merit List 2023
Candidates who have given the examination of the best scheme, now the candidates are ready to see their merit list, you can see your merit list online only, for this you have to go to its official website, only there you have been declared the result, there only your The cutoff has been issued and there only your merit list has been issued, so that you can easily see the merit list, the name of the students will come in the merit list, who will be the beneficiary of this scheme, if your name is not in this list.So you will not be able to get the benefit of this scheme, it is mandatory to have your name in the list to take advantage of this scheme.
Result 2023 Shrestha scheme